Some of my stools and small tables recently finished, this Oak & Elm table is my 1st try at turning bracing as well as legs and the criss-cross design presented quite a challenge, considering the positiong of the legs being random it wasn't possible to work out the angles on paper - trial & error was the only way!
The Oak top is highly figured with a very rustic feel, the bark has been set in place to leave a natural look and cracks have been left open for effect (but reinforced to stop them opening further or weakening the structure).This next is also Oak & Elm, the top is a reclaimed Oak plank (approx 60-70 years old). The legs are English Elm, turned and highly polished with a shellac finish.
Made as a kind of side-table/ occasional table. As with most of my stools and tables the legs are fitted using traditional mortice & tenon joints and fixed with split wedges.
3-legged Yew milking stool, very pretty wood with lots of flaming red inclusions and interesting grain. Again, as much of the natural shape of the branch as possible has been left.
This next is 130 year old Oak plank reclaimed from a barn, the beautiful dark patina comes from age, not a stain!
The legs are Bone-Oak (branches which have died and seasoned still attached to the tree, the wind and rain strips all the soft sapwood and gives them the unique 'bone' effect.
All of these are currently available from my Etsy shop, follow the link: Etsy shop